Mental Health and the Church
Lyn Packer
2022 Episode 6
In this episode we hold a discussion with Lyn Packer. Our topic is an important one: Mental Health and the Church. See below for Lyn’s bio.
First, Lyn shares about who she is and what the Lord has called her to with her husband Rob. Then Lyn honestly shares her testimony which includes her very painful childhood which led to years of mental health issues which stayed with her after becoming a Christian.
During the discussion Lyn shares some sobering statistics on mental health including in the Church and how difficult it can be to ‘fess up’ about our ongoing mental health issues within the Church. This discussion was full of grace and wisdom.
Lyn’s blog posts on mental health can be found here:
Mental Health and the Church — Rob and Lyn Packer
Recommended books:
Any books by Dr Caroline Leaf.
Mental health and the Church by Stephen Grcevich
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
The High Five Habit and The 5-second rule by Mel Robinson have good insights into how the brain works.
Helpful websites:
Church and Mental Health:
Mental health Ministries: –
Focus on the Family’s website: –
Mental Health Foundation NZ –
Mike Kings websites – I am Hope –
Key to Life Charitable trust –
Christian Counsellors Association NZ –
Mental Wellbeing, Anglican Movement –
Emergency Help:
If this conversation has triggered you please reach for help. If an emergency phone 111. Or contact one of these free 24/7 helplines:
24/7 Helpline |0800 LIFELINE (0800 54 33 54) or free text HELP (4357)
Suicide Crisis Helpline | 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 82 88 65)
Lyn’s ministry carries a very strong prophetic mantle. She ministers primarily in the prophetic and teaching, calling and enabling people to step into their destiny. Her prophetic gifting is also expressed through her art, and writing. She has written several books covering a variety of subject matter – prophecy and revelation, creativity, dance, prayer and prophetic allegories.
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