Christianity makes some pretty bold claims – in fact, you could even say offensive claims. One such claim came from Jesus himself when he said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life – no one comes to the Father except by me.” That’s right, Jesus didn’t call himself one of the ways, one of the truths or one of the life’s – he said that He was the only way to God.

But why Jesus and not other religious pathways or figures?? Well let’s imagine this scenario. You’ve had stomach problems for a while and you’ve tried 4 different doctors. Every doctor you’ve been to has suggested a different treatment but none of them have worked. You eventually go to the 5th doctor and he discovers that the root of your problem is not with the stomach at all but it is actually neurological. This correct diagnosis totally changes the type of treatment you are given, and this time, it works.

We can look at religion in the same way. Every religion identifies some sort of problem with humanity and the world and then proposes a solution to that problem. We believe that Christianity is the only religion which correctly diagnoses the human condition and this problem is only solved through Jesus. That problem is that we have turned away from God, coming under the power of sin and death which affects us all. Jesus came to conquer sin and death, making a way for us to be reconciled back to God and have eternal life.

I’m Becky Gillespie from Thinking Matters and this has been your Thought for Today. For more reasons to believe visit