We have a powerful gospel message. Romans 1:6 says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”

But how should we go about sharing the gospel? Can I just recite it’s message and let it speak for itself? And don’t apologetics overcomplicate the gospel message? Well if you want a long answer short…. Nope! It doesn’t!

In today’s culture there are countless hurts, barriers, and misconceptions of our Christian faith. Because of this, influential Christian thinkers, from Francis Shaeffer to Randy Newman have agreed that “pre-evangelism is more important than ever”. Before we share the gospel, we need to remember each person we talk to has their own unique background which may help or hinder their ability to see the goodness, truth, and beauty of the gospel.

When Jesus sent out his disciples, he told them “one sows and another reaps.” Although God can do an immediate work in someone’s heart, often, there’s a process before people are ready to accept the gospel. Just as John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord, we can sow seeds of truth and weed out lies to prepare a straight path for the gospel. One small conversation can break down a barrier or straighten out a misconception. God can use many people and encounters to slowly sow until the reaping is ready to happen.

I’m Sophie Gillespie and this has been your Thought for the Week.

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