As shown by the last episode, the fine-tuning of our universe draws strong evidence for the existence of God. However, the multiverse theory has been suggested as a means to explain away this fine tuning, proposing that there are a massive number of possible universes in existence and we just happen to find ourselves on the one which can support life.
However, this idea doesn’t actually eradicate the fine tuning problem it seeks to avoid. Instead, it simply pushes it back a step as there still needs to be an explanation of the origin of the multiverse itself. Laws of incredible precision would still be needed and a first cause which is outside of time, space and matter.
As philosopher Antony Flew said, “No matter how far you push back the properties of the universe as somehow “emergent,” their very emergence has to follow certain prior laws.’ So multiverse or not, we still have to come to terms with the origin of the laws of nature. And the only viable explanation here is the Divine Mind.”
So even if the multiverse is real, far from being inconsistent with theism, the best bet for those who support it would be belief in God to have designed it.
I’m Sophie Gillespie and this has been your Thought for the Week. For more reasons to believe, visit