Easter Special: Why We Can Trust the Resurrection
Mark Maney
2022 Episode 7
In this Easter Special, Associate Pastor of Massey Presbyterian Church, Auckland and New Zealand Christian Network writer and contributor Rev. Mark Maney discusses with host Michelle Englehardt the case for the resurrection of Jesus. The Resurrection is a key tenant of Christianity, without which, our “faith is useless” (1 Corinthians 15:14). No wonder Christ’s resurrection is attacked by skeptics and atheists so strongly.
Mark explores some of the most common objections to the ‘impossibility’ of the resurrection, and demonstrates the evidence in scripture and extra-biblical texts for His resurrection, and why we can have more certainty that this historic event actually took place.
Mark’s recommended resources:
Cold Case Christianity | J Warner Wallace – Thinking Matters | Store
The Son Rises: The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus by Dr William Lane Craig
Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? By Dr William Lane Craig, Jonathan Morrow, et al.
Surprised By Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church & The Resurrection of the Son of God by N. T. Wright
The Case for the Resurrection – Dr Gary R. Habermas & Dr Michael Licona
(PDF) Investigating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ | Andrew Ter Ern Loke – Academia.edu
About Mark Maney
Mark has had a passion for apologetics since he became a Christian 22 years ago. This is due to his belief that being like Jesus means knowing, loving, and living the truth. Engaging in the marketplace of ideas is a key part of discerning truth in our world, and apologetics is a beautiful pathway through that marketplace. Mark is also an engaging speaker, having won the 2016 Toastmasters NZ Humorous Speech Contest and 2018 Toastmasters NZ Most Entertaining Speaker. Mark did his undergrad (Religion & Theology) at Taylor University College in Edmonton, Canada and his graduate studies (Cross Cultural Studies & Apologetics) at Trinity Western University in Vancouver (Langley), Canada. He served as the minister at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Mt Maunganui, and now serves as Associate Pastor of Massey Presbyterian Church and Writer, researcher and contributor with the New Zealand Christian Network.
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