Five Practical Reasons for Apologetics Do we really need five reasons to do apologetics? Isn’t it enough that God commands it? 1 Peter 3:15: “but sanctify Christ as Lord...
Thoughts on the Christmas Child: Myth or Miracle? ‘What Child is This?’ is a favourite Christmas hymn. It is based on the poem The Manger Throne by William C. Dix and sung to the tune...
Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer: Book Review The Mama Bear Apologetics book is an essential resource for Christian parents, it dives deep into the ideals that are shaping the Western...
A Christian Response to Christchurch, II: The Perpetrator Part I | Part III In this trilogy of articles I am highlighting the key features of an appropriate Christian response to the shooting in...
A Christian Response to Christchurch, I: The Victims Part II | Part III In this trilogy of articles I shall be highlighting the key features of an appropriate Christian response to the...
Hell It is often suggested that the Christian doctrine of Hell is morally unconscionable. Understanding this doctrine to be that the nonbeliever...
Approaching the Jesus Myth with Others Given the Christmas cheer and the anti-Christian, anti-Jesus rhetoric one typically hears around this time, I thought I might do a simple...
Understanding the Incarnation IV: The Coherence of Christian Doctrine In this series of posts I have been considering an argument from The Resurrection of God Incarnate by Oxford professor of philosophy...
Understanding the Incarnation III: Helping Humanity to Live Morally Good Lives In this series of posts I have been considering an argument by Oxford professor of philosophy Richard Swinburne. In The Resurrection of God...