Does God Ruin Our Freedom? The question of God’s existence does not come without consequences. Whichever way you answer it will have a significant impact on...
Can There Be Meaning Without God? Can our life and existence have ULTIMATE meaning without God? The inference of meaning is a good evidence that God might be out there...
Evidence for Life After Death 22 mins | Author and apologist Lee Strobel talks about his new documentary movie ‘The Case For Heaven’ and the evidence for an...
Christianity Turned the World Upside Down 1 hr 50 mins |Village Lutheran Church in Ladue hosted a lecture “Christianity Once Turned the World Upside Down: Is It Still True?”...
Is Euthanasia Truly Compassionate? 9 mins | Paraplegic Joni Erikson Tada speaks with grace and truth about what ‘death with dignity’ really is. Credit:...
Euthanasia: A Fundamental Human Right? 8 mins | Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to this week’s challenge: “Euthanasia is a fundamental human right.”...
Why Do Christians Fight Against Euthanasia? 2 mins | Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to the question: If going to Heaven is so great, why do Christians want to prolong...
Should Christians Support Euthanasia? 2 mins | What should Christians think about euthanasia? What about physician-assisted suicide? Sean briefly addresses these questions and...
Responses for Pro-Choice Arguments 1 hr | How can people best defend the unborn? What are helpful responses to the strongest pro-choice arguments? In this video, Sean...