Why Do Christians Fight Against Euthanasia? 2 mins | Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to the question: If going to Heaven is so great, why do Christians want to prolong...
Should Christians Support Euthanasia? 2 mins | What should Christians think about euthanasia? What about physician-assisted suicide? Sean briefly addresses these questions and...
Responses for Pro-Choice Arguments 1 hr | How can people best defend the unborn? What are helpful responses to the strongest pro-choice arguments? In this video, Sean...
The Most Effective Pro-Life Arguments 1 hr 20 mins | Lila Rose talks with Stephanie Gray Conners, pro-life activist and author, about her new book My Body for You, A Pro-Life...
How You Can Quit Porn – Q and A 40 mins | Matt Fradd takes questions on how to quit porn. Credit: Pints With Aquinas
The Essential Reason Porn is Wrong 30 mins | Matt Fradd speaks with compassion about the dignity of humanity. Credit: Pints with Aquinas
The Deadly Disease of Pornography 12 mins | Dr Carl Trueman has authored or edited more than a dozen books, including the best seller “The Rise and Fall of the Modern...
The Real Problem With Co-Habitating 12 mins | Christopher West unfolds why living together before marriage is a bad idea, and how cohabitation can hurt a relationship....
Jordan Peterson on the Hook Up Culture 9 mins | Jordan Peterson speaks with Ben Shapiro about the emptiness of hook-up culture and the West’s failure to instill the...