Truth Never Gets Old 48 mins | Our culture is deeply confused about truth and is drowning in a sea of relativism. In this talk, Brett Kunkle examines the...
Did God Create Evil? Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason insightfully unpacks the question, “Did God Create Evil?” Credit: Stand To Reason
Why Suffering: Jesus and Suffering The Christian faith requires you to take up your cross and follow Jesus and can sometimes mean losing friends, dividing families, or life...
The Hardest Question We Have To Face Oxford professor John Lennox explores the hardest question Christians have to face about their faith – the problem of suffering....
How Does Christianity Help Us Deal With Suffering? Tim Keller compares Christianity to other worldviews, and shows how Christianity offers hope and restoration. Credit: Jeff and Alyssa
Was Christianity A Science Stopper? It’s simply not a “Christian myth” that Christianity led to science. Ironically, the idea that Christian faith is toxic to science is...
Can Science Explain Everything? Can we explain everything in the universe using just space, time, matter, physics, and chemistry? In our culture, science is king. But can...
Are Miracles Scientifically Provable? 6 mins | Oxford professor John Lennox speaks with his usual humour and wisdom to illustrate the validity of miracles. Credit: The Veritas...
When is a “Miracle” Really a Miracle? How should we approach claims of the supernatural or the unusual? Is God the only being with the power to supernaturally intervene in our...