Can Science Explain Everything? Can we explain everything in the universe using just space, time, matter, physics, and chemistry? In our culture, science is king. But can...
Are Miracles Scientifically Provable? 6 mins | Oxford professor John Lennox speaks with his usual humour and wisdom to illustrate the validity of miracles. Credit: The Veritas...
When is a “Miracle” Really a Miracle? How should we approach claims of the supernatural or the unusual? Is God the only being with the power to supernaturally intervene in our...
Do Miracles Go Against Logic? David Hume, a Scottish Enlightenment philosopher, said that miracles are a violation of natural laws. Is this true? Find out what Frank has...
The Case For Miracles Lee Strobel, an Investigative Journalist, reveals the fruit of two years of investigation into miracles. Credit: Woodlands Church ...
Scientific Proof for God and Why We Exist Kirk Cameron is joined by John Lennox to discuss the simple logic of Christianity, how math and science are clear indicators of a Creator,...
Answering Mormonism In this video, Dr. Costa is interviewed by Dr. David Wood on the subject of Mormonism. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also...
Belief of Buddhists Dr. William Lane Craig outlines some beliefs of Buddhists while discussing the issue of religious pluralism. Credit: ReasonableFaithOrg