Do the Laws of Nature Allow for Miracles? Oxford mathematician John Lennox speaks at The Veritas Forum @ Harvard on the topic “Miracles: Is Belief in the Supernatural...
When Jordan Peterson Realised God Must Exist This is the moment when Jordan Peterson realized that in order to have objective morality, there must be a moral lawgiver. Thanks To...
World’s Smartest Atheist Admits No Evidence Is Enough Oxford chemist Peter Atkins has been promoting atheism for decades. However, when asked if there is any evidence that could possibly...
How Naturalism Is Irrational Dr. Craig discusses Alvin Plantinga’s defense of a time-tested argument by C.S. Lewis. Credit: drcraigvideos
The Kalam Cosmological Argument – Part 2: Philosophical Did the universe have a beginning? Or has it existed from eternity past? If it DID have a beginning, this raises a question: Did the...
The Kalam Cosmological Argument – Part 1: Scientific A well-crafted short video to trace the scientific foundation for the Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God. Credit: drcraigvideos
What Tactics Should We Expect From Critics? J. Warner Wallace, author of Cold-Case Christianity, was interviewed by Bobby Conway (The One Minute Apologist) and discussed what we, as...
The Art of Disagreeing Agreeably Wise and Godly guidance for interacting and discussing ideas with gentleness and respect, to build bridges. Credit: Mama Bear Apologetics...