Tactics in Evangelism Cameron Bertuzzi interviews Greg Koukl about his book “Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions.”...
Why Apologetics is Essential Evangelist and theologian Dr Michael Green (1930 – 2019) gave the opening address at Unbelievable? The Conference 2012. Credit:...
Why Apologetics Needs Beauty Of the three transcendental (truth, goodness, and beauty), beauty is the one we most often neglect when doing apologetics. Yet arguments...
Biggest Evangelism Mistake Have you ever shared your faith in a way you later regret? Sean shares an evangelistic failure, what he learned from it, and practical...
The Difference Between Apologetics and Evangelism Dr William Lane Craig shares about the difference between evangelism and apologetics. Credit: drcraigvideos
Is it Wrong to Evangelise? Many Christian millennials think it’s wrong to evangelize. Dr. Craig offers evaluation. Credit: Reasonable Faith Org
What Kind of Evangelist Are You? Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason encourages Christians for whom evangelism seems overwhelming to focus on small opportunities of influence...
C. S. Lewis – Counting the Cost Watch an artist bring alive Chapter 9 of C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity as it is narrated, and hear about God’s plan for our...
What Happened on the Cross? Jesus’ death on the cross wasn’t just to get believers to heaven. Renowned Bible Scholar Tom Wright tells Justin Brierley why he wrote...