Why doubt isn’t the enemy of Christian faith, and how to practically lean in without losing faith 17 mins | The Morning Wake Up are joined by Travis Dickinson, a professor of philosophy at Dallas Baptist University and speaker on the...
Evidence for Life After Death 22 mins | Author and apologist Lee Strobel talks about his new documentary movie ‘The Case For Heaven’ and the evidence for an...
Christianity Turned the World Upside Down 1 hr 50 mins |Village Lutheran Church in Ladue hosted a lecture “Christianity Once Turned the World Upside Down: Is It Still True?”...
Is Euthanasia Truly Compassionate? 9 mins | Paraplegic Joni Erikson Tada speaks with grace and truth about what ‘death with dignity’ really is. Credit:...
Euthanasia: A Fundamental Human Right? 8 mins | Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to this week’s challenge: “Euthanasia is a fundamental human right.”...
Why Do Christians Fight Against Euthanasia? 2 mins | Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to the question: If going to Heaven is so great, why do Christians want to prolong...
Should Christians Support Euthanasia? 2 mins | What should Christians think about euthanasia? What about physician-assisted suicide? Sean briefly addresses these questions and...
Responses for Pro-Choice Arguments 1 hr | How can people best defend the unborn? What are helpful responses to the strongest pro-choice arguments? In this video, Sean...
The Most Effective Pro-Life Arguments 1 hr 20 mins | Lila Rose talks with Stephanie Gray Conners, pro-life activist and author, about her new book My Body for You, A Pro-Life...
How You Can Quit Porn – Q and A 40 mins | Matt Fradd takes questions on how to quit porn. Credit: Pints With Aquinas
The Essential Reason Porn is Wrong 30 mins | Matt Fradd speaks with compassion about the dignity of humanity. Credit: Pints with Aquinas
The Deadly Disease of Pornography 12 mins | Dr Carl Trueman has authored or edited more than a dozen books, including the best seller “The Rise and Fall of the Modern...
The Real Problem With Co-Habitating 12 mins | Christopher West unfolds why living together before marriage is a bad idea, and how cohabitation can hurt a relationship....
Jordan Peterson on the Hook Up Culture 9 mins | Jordan Peterson speaks with Ben Shapiro about the emptiness of hook-up culture and the West’s failure to instill the...
Leaving the Homosexual Lifestyle w/Kim Zember 1 hr 13 mins | Lila Rose talks with Kim Zember, author of Restless Heart, who shares her story of same-sex attraction, seeking fulfillment...
Rosaria Butterfield: How Ordinary Hospitality Saved Me 6 mins | Rosaria Butterfield, a former lesbian feminist academic shares about her journey to Christ: through the compelling experience...
Is Being Gay Genetic? 6 mins You’re in a conversation and someone says, “People can’t help being gay. It’s part of their genetic makeup.” What would...
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self 50 mins | Why is the statement, “I am a man trapped in a woman’s body” considered coherent and meaningful today? What...
Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions 1 hr 13 mins | Formerly an agnostic, author Nancy Pearcey argues that secularism denigrates the body and destroys the basis for human...
Progressive vs Evangelical: A Dialogue for Clarity 1 hr 16 mins | What are the key differences between evangelical Christianity and progressive Christianity? How do they uniquely approach...
Are Progressive and Conservative Christianity Different Faiths? 55 mins | Have progressive Christianity and conservative Christianity drifted so far that they can be considered different faiths? How...
Live Your Truth (And Other Lies) 39 mins | Author Alisa Childers invites you to examine modern lies that are disguised as truths in today’s culture. Credit:...
Fatal Flaws of Moral Relativism 14 mins | In this clip from his latest Stand to Reason University course, Greg Koukl considers the logical consequences of relativism and...
Why Truth Matters Today More Than Ever 7 mins | Do we live in a post-truth world, or is truth still important? If so, why? Sean tackles these questions and more in this...
Truth Never Gets Old 48 mins | Our culture is deeply confused about truth and is drowning in a sea of relativism. In this talk, Brett Kunkle examines the...
Did God Create Evil? Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason insightfully unpacks the question, “Did God Create Evil?” Credit: Stand To Reason
Why Suffering: Jesus and Suffering The Christian faith requires you to take up your cross and follow Jesus and can sometimes mean losing friends, dividing families, or life...
The Hardest Question We Have To Face Oxford professor John Lennox explores the hardest question Christians have to face about their faith – the problem of suffering....
How Does Christianity Help Us Deal With Suffering? Tim Keller compares Christianity to other worldviews, and shows how Christianity offers hope and restoration. Credit: Jeff and Alyssa
Was Christianity A Science Stopper? It’s simply not a “Christian myth” that Christianity led to science. Ironically, the idea that Christian faith is toxic to science is...
Can Science Explain Everything? Can we explain everything in the universe using just space, time, matter, physics, and chemistry? In our culture, science is king. But can...
Are Miracles Scientifically Provable? 6 mins | Oxford professor John Lennox speaks with his usual humour and wisdom to illustrate the validity of miracles. Credit: The Veritas...
When is a “Miracle” Really a Miracle? How should we approach claims of the supernatural or the unusual? Is God the only being with the power to supernaturally intervene in our...
Do Miracles Go Against Logic? David Hume, a Scottish Enlightenment philosopher, said that miracles are a violation of natural laws. Is this true? Find out what Frank has...
The Case For Miracles Lee Strobel, an Investigative Journalist, reveals the fruit of two years of investigation into miracles. Credit: Woodlands Church ...
Scientific Proof for God and Why We Exist Kirk Cameron is joined by John Lennox to discuss the simple logic of Christianity, how math and science are clear indicators of a Creator,...
Answering Mormonism In this video, Dr. Costa is interviewed by Dr. David Wood on the subject of Mormonism. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also...
Belief of Buddhists Dr. William Lane Craig outlines some beliefs of Buddhists while discussing the issue of religious pluralism. Credit: ReasonableFaithOrg
Hindu to Athiest to Christ Why would a brilliant Hindu engineer become an atheist and then choose to follow Christ? What evidence convinced him Christianity is true?...
Lee Strobel: Skeptic To Believer (Short Version) Lee Strobel, a former atheist turned Christian who wrote the book The Case for Christ, shares how he went from skeptic to believer. This...
Do the Laws of Nature Allow for Miracles? Oxford mathematician John Lennox speaks at The Veritas Forum @ Harvard on the topic “Miracles: Is Belief in the Supernatural...
When Jordan Peterson Realised God Must Exist This is the moment when Jordan Peterson realized that in order to have objective morality, there must be a moral lawgiver. Thanks To...
World’s Smartest Atheist Admits No Evidence Is Enough Oxford chemist Peter Atkins has been promoting atheism for decades. However, when asked if there is any evidence that could possibly...
How Naturalism Is Irrational Dr. Craig discusses Alvin Plantinga’s defense of a time-tested argument by C.S. Lewis. Credit: drcraigvideos
The Kalam Cosmological Argument – Part 2: Philosophical Did the universe have a beginning? Or has it existed from eternity past? If it DID have a beginning, this raises a question: Did the...
The Kalam Cosmological Argument – Part 1: Scientific A well-crafted short video to trace the scientific foundation for the Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God. Credit: drcraigvideos
What Tactics Should We Expect From Critics? J. Warner Wallace, author of Cold-Case Christianity, was interviewed by Bobby Conway (The One Minute Apologist) and discussed what we, as...
The Art of Disagreeing Agreeably Wise and Godly guidance for interacting and discussing ideas with gentleness and respect, to build bridges. Credit: Mama Bear Apologetics...
Seeking Allah Finding Jesus Nabeel Qureshi shares his journey from Islam to Christianity. Credit: CrossPoint Church
Jesus in Islam vs Jesus in Christianity Biola Masters in Christian Apologetics – Apologetics to Islam Nabeel Qureshi speaks on Jesus in Islam vs. Jesus in Christianity...
How To Reach Your Muslim Friends There are over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world who are lost. As ambassadors for Christ, our desire should be to learn about Islam so that...
Do Muslims Say What Islam Teaches? Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason emphasizes the importance of looking to Islam’s authoritative sources in order to know what Islam really...
What Makes Christianity Unique? At The Veritas Forum at Harvard, Oxford mathematician John Lennox explains what makes Christianity unique in comparison to other...
Archeological Evidence for the Old Testament In this brief video, Sean offers four of his favorite discoveries that support the trustworthiness of the New Testament. This is a great...
Three Reasons to Trust the Old Testament How do we know we can trust the Old Testament documents? Is there any good evidence to support their reliability? Sean briefly answers...
Has the New Testament Been Corrupted? Nabeel Qureshi enjoyed defeating Christians and proving that the Bible is corrupted. Until David Wood stopped him in his tracks. Learn...
Tactics in Evangelism Cameron Bertuzzi interviews Greg Koukl about his book “Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions.”...
Why Apologetics is Essential Evangelist and theologian Dr Michael Green (1930 – 2019) gave the opening address at Unbelievable? The Conference 2012. Credit:...
Why Apologetics Needs Beauty Of the three transcendental (truth, goodness, and beauty), beauty is the one we most often neglect when doing apologetics. Yet arguments...
Biggest Evangelism Mistake Have you ever shared your faith in a way you later regret? Sean shares an evangelistic failure, what he learned from it, and practical...
The Difference Between Apologetics and Evangelism Dr William Lane Craig shares about the difference between evangelism and apologetics. Credit: drcraigvideos
Is it Wrong to Evangelise? Many Christian millennials think it’s wrong to evangelize. Dr. Craig offers evaluation. Credit: Reasonable Faith Org
What Kind of Evangelist Are You? Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason encourages Christians for whom evangelism seems overwhelming to focus on small opportunities of influence...
C. S. Lewis – Counting the Cost Watch an artist bring alive Chapter 9 of C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity as it is narrated, and hear about God’s plan for our...
What Happened on the Cross? Jesus’ death on the cross wasn’t just to get believers to heaven. Renowned Bible Scholar Tom Wright tells Justin Brierley why he wrote...
The Gospel in a Minute The Gospel can be presented in a variety of ways. Here’s how Christian apologist Greg Koukl puts it. Gregory Koukl is a Christian...
Is Jesus the Only Way to God? Often times, people have a real problem with Jesus’ claim that he’s the only way to God. Is it intolerant to suggest that Jesus...
Is Jesus the Only Way? Cliffe Knechtle has a great conversation with college students at a campus in the southwest US. The “Give Me An Answer”...
Is the Ontological Argument Sound? Ben Arbour, a philosopher and expert on the Ontological Argument for God’s existence, explores the version of the argument he thinks...
Agnostic Dr Philip Goff Defends Fine Tuning In this response video, Dr. Luke Barnes (theist, cosmologist) and Dr. Philip Goff (agnostic, philosopher) join Cameron Bertuzzi to respond...
How Fine-Tuning Points to a Divine Mind Astrophysicist Luke Barnes explains why we instinctively sense that the fine tuning of the Universe for life points towards a mind beyond...
Apologetics – What it is and Why it Matters Defenders is Dr William Lane Craig’s weekly Sunday school class on Christian doctrine and apologetics. This video is Part 2...
The Case for Life and the Gospel In 2019 Megan Almon from the Life Training Institute based in the USA came to New Zealand for a speaking a Pro-Life Training tour....
Is There Evidence of Something Beyond Nature? John Lennox (Oxford) argues that there is evidence of transcendence beyond nature. Semiotics – signs like letters and numbers –...
Historical Evidence for Resurrection Cameron Bertuzzi interviews historian and philosopher Dr. Gary Habermas who explains the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus. They also...
Did Jesus Rise From the Dead? Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Is there good historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus? Are miracles really possible? Explore the...
The Case for Christ Documentary Lee Strobel spent two years of his life studying, researching, learning everything he could in order to disprove the resurrection and deity...
Stephen Meyer: The Return of the God Hypothesis Eric Metaxas interviews Stephen C. Meyer about the ultimate mystery of the universe as drawn from recent scientific discoveries in physics,...
Return of God Hypothesis: Skeptic Interviews Myer Beginning in the late 19th century, many intellectuals began to insist that scientific knowledge conflicts with traditional theistic belief...
A Journey into the LGBTQ+ Conversation Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Eternity Bible College, Preston Sprinkle, speaks at student-led Afterdark chapel at Biola...
The Absurdity of Life Without God For more information: https://www.reasonablefaith.org/ In 2017, Dr. William Lane Craig participated in contributing to The Avoid Project....
Beauty – A Top Argument for God In this short video, Sean McDowell explains why Beauty is one of the most compelling arguments for God. Credit: Sean McDowell
Why Does Beauty Draw Us In? Is beauty only in the eye of the beholder? Or is it come from something beyond us–is beauty grounded in who God is? Megan Almon...
What is the BEST Moral Argument for God? In this joint interview, Cameron Bertuzzi (Capturing Christianity) is joined by Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. David Baggett to discuss the...
The Moral Argument For more resources visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org/moral Reasonable Faith features the work of philosopher and theologian Dr. William...
The Ontological Argument A succinct summary of the Ontological Argument, masterfully crafted by Reasonable Faith. Reasonable Faith features the work of philosopher...
Does Music Prove God? People experience a sense of transcendence in music. This video suggests that theism provides a better explanatory framework for that...
The (Un)Reasonableness of Mathematics Reasonable Faith and Avoid Project team up another cinematic short film. This time, Dr. Craig explains the baffling universal framework...
Can Math Prove God? Three characteristics of the nature of math suggest theism, or something like theism. This is one of the most surprising arguments for the...
The Fine Tuning of the Universe Produced by Dr Craig Videos, this short video gives a compelling argument for Design.
Piers Morgan and Stephen Meyer Discuss God In this Piers Morgan Uncensored special, Meyers firmly rejects the idea that a scientific worldview leads to atheism, arguing instead that...
Would a Loving God Allow Evil and Suffering? Nov 9, 2013 at Birch Cove Baptist Church Peter Kreeft handles this very tough topic with grace and truth.
Why Apologetics Needs Beauty | Gavin Ortlund Of the three transcendental (truth, goodness, and beauty), beauty is the one we most often neglect when doing apologetics. Yet...
Arguments for God’s Existence Extracts from the full presentation, which can be viewed at: • William Lane Craig: The Evidence for … ...
Rationality of Belief in God How is it reasonable to believe in God given the evidence that the existence of evil provides? Dr. Peter Kreeft discusses some of...
Truth Unites – Six Day Creationism In this video Gavin Ortlund responds to Ken Ham’s claim that young-earth creationism is only denied for unbiblical reasons like the...