Registration fee: $45

What are the issues the Seminar seeks to address?

In the world today there are so many different religions and worldviews competing for people’s minds and souls, that it is very hard for people to see what is the truth versus what is counterfeit.

People think, “Can’t all religions lead to God? And surely a good person will be accepted by ‘God’, whoever that really is”.

On top of this, people have many issues with Christianity, like if there’s an all-powerful and all-loving God, then why is there pain and suffering in the world, isn’t Christianity out of step with culture today, and hasn’t Christianity been responsible for bad things in the past? Plus, it’s hard enough for Christians to be functional and maintain a job and friendships in the world today, without trying to share their faith, especially if they are not a natural evangelist.

Participants will come away with very sound reasons with which to defend their faith; equipped with tools to better help their friends and loved ones to understand why it is that Christianity stands as the Truth and Light in the world today.


  • The fine-tuning of the universe
  • Science that points to God
  • Bible prophecy
  • Can all religions lead to God?
  • Truth and doubt
  • Arguments for the resurrection
  • Pain and suffering
  • Is Christianity anti-progress?
  • Bible authenticity
  • LGBTQ+ and Christianity
  • How to share my faith


Kevin (Sam) Treadwell

After being a Christian for 20 plus years, I felt challenged to really investigate a number of areas surrounding the Christian Faith, questions like what made me so sure that Christianity was the one true faith and all other Religions counterfeit and big questions like how the Universe got here. The quest to get to the bottom of these questions has taken me on an amazing journey spanning over ten years, a journey that has now been translated into the Thinking Matters Regional Seminar.

My goal is to help other Christians who share the same questions I had and who seek to better understand some of the more challenging and complex areas surrounding the Christian Faith.

The Seminar is offered to Towns around New Zealand in a Friday Evening, Saturday Format, seeking to take Thinking Matters Apologetics outside of the Main Centers and Conference settings to any town around New Zealand that has the need.

I have recently retired from my position in Corporate Logistics for a large Multi-National Biotechnology Company, where I held several Senior Asia Pacific Roles, based overseas and here in New Zealand.

The highlight of the seminar for me was the breadth and credentialled expertise cited – extremely well done!

It was great to see my daughters brain tick as she began to understanding everything.

A highlight of the seminar for me was watching the videos with in-depth explanations which really hit home the points made!

It was great to think critically about these topics and approaching them from a Biblical worldview

The highlight of the seminar for me was how to share my faith and tying everything together – how to share my faith in a modern world in face of all these challenges

The value of this seminar is the wide scope of topics covered

The videos of the experts, the science and the evidences were incredibly valuable