Since the beginning of human history, we have been asking fundamental questions such as “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?” Today, this quest for identity is becoming more common in our increasingly confusing world. Countless resources have been developed to help us find our personal identity, such as personality tests to determine whether we are introverts or extroverts, type 1 or type 9, Labrador or beaver, INFJ or ESTP. Instead of analyzing ourselves individually, what if we take a step back and ask ourselves what it means to be human?
Understanding the essence of humanity is fundamental to our identity and purpose. Only when we know who we are as human beings can we truly function as one. So, what defines us as human? Is it our minds or our bodies? What qualifies us to have human rights? Should all humans have equal rights?
By understanding the secular and Christian worldviews regarding these questions, we can better equip ourselves to know who we are and how to respond to the current societal issues. Abortion, euthanasia, marriage, transgenderism, and many other issues are linked to our understanding of what it means to be human. Addressing this question has never been more crucial than it is today.
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