What To Do In An Epidemic Around A.D 165, news came to the city of Rome of a new infectious disease spreading from the east. Infectious diseases were part of life...
Book Summary: A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World Children from families who have immigrated are often said to be caught between two cultures. They belong to their parents’ culture but...
The Power of Genesis One – Part Two: Humanity Part one explained that the message of the first chapter of the Bible is possibly the most influential text the world has known – ...
How Christianity Changed the World | Alvin J Schmidt April 11, 2024 Village Lutheran Church in Ladue hosted a lecture “Christianity Once Turned the World Upside Down: Is It Still True?” featuring the...
Why We Can Trust the Resurrection – Mark Maney April 13, 2022 In this Easter Special, Associate Pastor of Massey Presbyterian Church, Auckland, and New Zealand Christian Network writer and contributor,...
Was Jesus Tomb Really Empty? | Evidence for the Resurrection | Michelle Englehardt Transcript While defending the Resurrection of Jesus, William Lane Craig said: “One of the most remarkable facts about the early...
Isn’t the Gospel Enough? Why Use Apologetics? We have a powerful gospel message. Romans 1:6 says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone...
An Apologetic from Cinderella As science is ever more able to explain and help us navigate our universe, has the need for a creator been extinguished? To show just how...
How Can God Be Love? In every monotheistic religion, God is described as being loving. However Christianity is the only one to take this a step further in its...